Seasonal Maintenance Checklist
Clear street drains of road sand and winter debris.
Clean tree buds and flowers from roof gutters.
Fertilize lawn and shrubs.
Install window air conditioners.
Open roof and attic vents.
Remove/Open storm windows and inspect screens.
Open sill cocks and set up garden hoses.
Uncover central AC Condenser units.
Put out patio and lawn furniture (fill grill tank).
Store Snow blowers (remove gas & lubricate).
Stock up on insect sprays, Citronella candles, garden gloves, etc.
Remove plowing markers from driveways and walks.
Check supply of Central A/C Filters (change monthly).
If you own a pool, follow recommended opening procedures.
Clear street drains of leaves and debris.
Clean leaves from roof gutters and inspect conductor pipes.
Plant Bulbs.
Remove window air conditioners.
Close roof and attic vents.
Install storm windows.
Shut off sill cocks and store garden hoses.
Cover central AC Condenser units.
Put away patio and lawn furniture.
Service Snow blowers.
Stock up on deicer, salt, sand and shovels etc.
Place markers for snow plow on driveways and walks.
Check supply of Furnace Filters.
If you own a pool, follow recommended closing procedures.